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P365/10 - Day044 (13th February 2010) - Carpet


Em P365/10, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day030 (30th January 2010)

Another experimental photos of some batteries which I use in my draw table. Most of them are without charge at now… because I spent most of it on my movie camera, making some experime...

Em P365/10, 30 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day029 (29th January 2010)

A photo from my old headphones… I need a new set. These ones are very good and they still work, but I have to change the cable’s jack. Another exploration of reflections, but I detect...

Em P365/10, 30 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day028 (28th January 2010)

How the time pass… I decided to take a photo of my equipment. :)

Em P365/10, 29 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day027 (27th January 2010)

My school theme is almost in the end. I have to think yet what will be the next theme… I have only 4 days to think. This photo is school related directly. It’s the university’s Pin. T...

Em P365/10, 27 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day024 (24th January 2010)

I had the idea of capture this image when I was looking to a old store catalog. I tried to represent “a cut” on credit lines. Nowadays it’s pretty easy to get credit and get an extra ...

Em P365/10, 24 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day023 (23th January 2010)

Another day late photography. I was out of creativity and imagination and I’m without of it yet! This is a simple shot of my webcam. Nothing special.

Em P365/10, 24 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day022 (22th January 2010)

Ok, this is something like… my life backups. It’s all there. In the top of bed closet of the office at Casais da Lapa. I have this projection lights on the top and it makes a nice eff...

Em P365/10, 23 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day021 (21th January 2010)

The pen train! I always like train rails and their perspectives. Sometimes, in our school train, we have to push hard by ourself and sometimes, try more hard than we can do. In the ot...

Em P365/10, 21 de janeiro de 2010

P365/10 - Day020 (20th January 2010)

This is only a normal USB pen drive with 1GB storage… but is incredible how many times it has saved my life. Lost works, stuff to print, a rescue memory to push a little more when I’m...

Em P365/10, 20 de janeiro de 2010