
P365/10 - Day029 (29th January 2010)

Daniela Filipe Bento Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir 30 de janeiro de 2010 · 1 min read

A photo from my old headphones… I need a new set. These ones are very good and they still work, but I have to change the cable’s jack. Another exploration of reflections, but I detected a bug… there are more than headphones reflection :(

P365/10 Day029 - I'm not a DJ

In this past day I was looking for a new pair of headphones… there are so many different sets, so many sizes, and so many good ones… That I’m with difficult to choose a pair. Besides that, I want a pair which I can use on the street or at home when I’m working on the pc.

By the way, I read some stuff about iPad yesterday… and I’m losing my idea of buying it. Ok, it’s very pretty and beauty, but Kindle is better for reading e-books… for the use I want, the iPad would loose his potential very fast.

It’s a really a weird thing to think LOL…. let’s see.

Regards, Daniel Bento

Daniela Filipe Bento

Escrito por Daniela Filipe Bento Seguir

escreve sobre género, sexualidade, saúde mental e justiça social, activista anarco/transfeminista radical, engenheira de software e astrofísica e astronoma